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Office of Marketing & Communications Resources

Helpful Tools & Resources

We offer tools and resources to help you and your unit or department represent the best of CALS in clear and unified ways. From digital platforms to print collateral to event planning, we can point you in the right direction. We're all about options. Get in touch with us at cals-comm [at] (cals-comm[at]cornell[dot]edu).

Strategic Project Brief

The strategic project brief is used to help CALS units and departments formulate a project’s concept, strategy and means of direction and execution in partnership with the CALS Office of Marketing and Communications. The form will help organize your ideas, determine the goals of a project and how to best formulate the methods of execution in a manner that will be understood clearly by the desired target audience. Project briefs are intended to define strategy, assist in planning, aid in design and structure communication. To begin a strategic project with us, please contact cals-comm [at] (cals-comm[at]cornell[dot]edu).

Tools for Producing Public-Facing Materials

  • CALS Photo Collection: To help with our community’s storytelling efforts, we’ve developed a broad collection of imagery from across our college — thousands of high-resolution, royalty-free images taken in our college brand style. This collection is available to all CALS faculty and staff through a section of University Relations' photography archive. All images in this collection can be used, free of charge, in CALS print and digital publications. See something missing? Let us know.
  • CALS Brand Guide: CALS has a fully-developed visual style as well as a messaging framework to guide college personnel. For guidance on usage, contact Jenny Stockdale at jms935 [at] (jms935[at]cornell[dot]edu).
  • CALS-Branded PowerPoint Template
  • CALS Overview PowerPoint Deck
  • Royalty-free music for video production: To support the production of Cornell promotional videos, the university now offers the online music database of Universal Production Music free to all current faculty, staff and students.
  • Other royalty-free downloads: For websites below, be sure to read and adhere to all attribution guidelines shared on each site.     

Event Support

  • Event Promotion and Conference Kit
  • How to request the dean at your CALS event:
    • To request the dean attend or speak at your CALS event, please submit a request to asp89 [at] (Angie Putnam) in the Office of the Dean, 260 Roberts Hall, and copy calsdean [at] (calsdean[at]cornell[dot]edu).
  • For events at Cornell AgriTech, please contact events coordinator gro2 [at] (Gemma Osborne) at 607-255-7651.

College Handouts

Official Social Media Channels

If you wish to begin a new official social media channel at CALS, or have taken over the administration of an existing channel, you will need to read through and understand that your posts via that channel are subject to the following Cornell policies:

As well as these guidelines within the brand book at Cornell. Lastly, please notify the Cornell social media office at socialmedia [at] (socialmedia[at]cornell[dot]edu) that you are starting a new account and copy us at cals-comm [at] (cals-comm[at]cornell[dot]edu) so we can help promote your launch.