Grading Guidelines for Faculty
Each semester’s work is an entity and grades are to be assigned for work completed during the semester. Only the instructor of the course has the responsibility and authority to judge the quality of a student’s work and assess the appropriate grade. No one can overrule instructors and require them to go against their judgment of the work. A grade must not be arbitrary or capricious or influenced by illegal discriminatory considerations. It must not contain a punitive element for an offense against academic integrity if the student has been found innocent by a duly constituted board. For additional information, see faculty legislation on Grading Policies.
Final Exams and Other End-of-Semester Exercises
Each semester's work is an entity and grades are to be assigned for work completed during the normal period of the semester. Final grades are entered in the grade roster in Faculty Center. Instructions and procedures can be found here.
Refer to the Key Academic Dates for more information.

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