- Entrada libre • Attendance is free
- Almuerzo incluido • Lunch included
- Registrarse es REQUERIDO • Registration REQUIRED!
Este evento en Español e Inglés quiere integrar a la comunidad agrícola para aprender más acerca del manejo de plagas y enfermedades en cultivos de manzana, seguridad con los plaguicidas, salud del suelo y liderazgo.
Es también una oportunidad para encontrarse con otros empleados agrícolas, compartir ideas y experiencias, y conectarse con proveedores del servicio agrícola.
Bilingual Integrated Pest Management Fruit School
This event in Spanish and English brings the farming community together to learn more about pests and diseases in apple orchards, pesticide safety, soil health and leadership. This is also an opportunity to meet other farm employees, share ideas and experiences, and connect with agricultural service providers! Join the NYS Integrated Pest Management, Cornell Small Farms Program, CCE Lake Ontario Fruit Program and New York Soil health program for a Spanish/English IPM Field day!
Date & Time
June 22, 2023
8:30 am - 3:30 pm

More information about this event.
Contact Information
Diana Obregon Corredor, NYS Integrated Pest Management
- do265 [at] cornell.edu
New York State Integrated Pest Management
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