Graduate Field of Plant Breeding
Genetic improvement of crop plants for the benefit of society
The Field of Plant Breeding at Cornell University offers degrees in plant breeding and plant genetics, using molecular approaches to crop improvement and creation of superior agricultural, horticultural, and ornamental varieties. Graduates with degrees from these programs are poised with the knowledge and experience to direct plant breeding research at private companies or public institutions.
Graduate student research is supervised by faculty located either in Ithaca or at the Cornell AgriTech at Geneva, New York. Students interested in vegetable, fruit, or ornamental crops may also consider admission to the Field of Horticulture.
MPS Concentrations related to Plant Breeding
The Master of Professional Studies in Integrative Plant Science is a one-year, STEM-designated, course-based master's degree program ideal for career-focused students. Several of the concentrations (below) are related to aspects of Plant Breeding.

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