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Graduate Field of Plant Breeding

Genetic improvement of crop plants for the benefit of society

The Field of Plant Breeding at Cornell University offers degrees in plant breeding and plant genetics, using molecular approaches to crop improvement and creation of superior agricultural, horticultural, and ornamental varieties. Graduates with degrees from these programs are poised with the knowledge and experience to direct plant breeding research at private companies or public institutions.

Graduate student research is supervised by faculty located either in Ithaca or at the Cornell AgriTech at Geneva, New York. Students interested in vegetable, fruit, or ornamental crops may also consider admission to the Field of Horticulture.


The Field of Plant Breeding welcomes applications from U.S. and international students with an interest in modern crop breeding and genetics. Department faculty provide training that links applied crop improvement with the latest discoveries in plant genomics and bioinformatics. Some students begin their graduate studies immediately after earning B.S. or M.S. degrees, while others return to school after working for some time.

A strong background in biology is preferable, but occasionally, students are admitted with other types of experience.


Master of Science (M.S.)

Graduate students may choose either Plant Breeding or Plant Genetics as a concentration within the Field of Plant Breeding. In general, students are required to complete appropriate course work, conduct high quality research, and submit an M.S. thesis presenting their research.


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) or M.S./Ph.D.

Graduate students may choose either Plant Breeding or Plant Genetics as a concentration within the Field of Plant Breeding. In general, students are required to complete appropriate course work, conduct high quality research, and submit an M.S. thesis or Ph.D. dissertation presenting their research.

Plant Breeding

Graduate Field Concentrations

The MS/PhD Graduate Field of Plant Breeding has two concentrations:

Plant Breeding: Development of plant materials for greater yield, disease resistance, climate resilience, and quality

Plant Genetics: Molecular genetic studies to identify important genes, compare genomes, assess diversity, and develop bioinformatic tools

woman kneeling beside plants

MPS Concentrations related to Plant Breeding

The Master of Professional Studies in Integrative Plant Science is a one-year, STEM-designated, course-based master's degree program ideal for career-focused students. Several of the concentrations (below) are related to aspects of Plant Breeding.

Close up photo of a plant.

Plant Breeding

Change the world by making better plants -- higher-yielding, healthier, better tasting, and more resistant to pests -- using applied breeding tools such as genetic mapping, quantitative genetics, molecular genomics , tissue culture, and other analytical systems.

Learn more about the Plant Breeding specialization.

Plant Biotechnology

Plant Biotechnology features coursework and hands-on laboratory work focused on scientific techniques to develop and improve plants for the benefit of society. It is designed to equip students for careers across corporate, governmental and non-governmental organization (NGOs) sectors.

Learn more about the Plant Biotechnology specialization.

Cannabis Science

The Cannabis Science concentration provides training in plant breeding and genetics; hydroponic and field crop production; processing; and product development. Students will also have a broad-based understanding of the cannabis industry from seed to sales, exploring the legal and regulatory environment and challenges facing the cannabis industry.

Learn more about the Cannabis Science specialization.

Crop Science

Crop Science is the study of crop systems for growing food, feed and fiber crops. Field crops represent the largest sector of plant-based agriculture, therefore, crop scientists can choose from a wide range of professional opportunities that involve identifying traits and environmental factors that need optimization, using latest technology for monitoring and interpreting crop development and performance, and managing crops in a productive and environmentally responsible way.

Learn more about the Crop Science specialization.

Plant Systems

Not finding what you’re looking for? Plant Systems is our most flexible concentration. It allows you to tailor a Cornell experience that works for you. Focus on anything from management of horticultural crops to human-plant interactions to environmental management to computational biology to garden-based learning and agricultural education.

Learn more about the Plant Systems specialization.

Other Specializations

In addition, SIPS also offers the following specializations:

  • Breeding of Horticultural Crops
  • Horticultural Crop Management Systems
  • Physiology and Ecology of Horticultural Crops
  • Human-Plant Interactions
  • Agronomy
  • Field Crop Science
  • Soil Science
  • Environmental Information Systems
  • Environmental Management

and the potential to create your own curriculum.