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Information for Biometry and Statistics Majors students who entered Fall 2017 or Spring 2018

Director of Undergraduate Studies: Giles Hooker
Office hours: Tuesdays 3:00-5:00 pm


Courses required for the major must be taken for letter grades. To remain in good standing in the major, a student must have a GPA of at least 2.3 in all courses required for the major including advanced electives. A student must earn a grade of C- or better in every required course; if a student receives a lower grade in a required course, the course can be retaken until a C- or better is earned, or the requirement can be satisfied by another course. If these requirements are not met, a student may, if desired, transfer to the General Studies major but still complete the coursework required for the Biometry and Statistics major.

Course substitutions

If a student's faculty advisor approves in advance, the student may substitute a similar course for a requirement of the Biometry and Statistics major. For example, BTRY 4090 may be replaced by another suitable course in probability theory, such as MATH 4710.

Counting courses not on the Advanced Course List as electives

Students may petition to have courses not on the Advanced Course List count as electives for the Biometry and Statistics major. Decisions about petitions will be made by a committee of BSCB faculty. Courses that are approved as electives through the petition process will be added to the list.

Double majors

A student may fulfill the requirements of two distinct majors. If both majors are in CALS, the double major can be officially recognized. If you wish to do this, you should discuss your situation as early as possible with the Director of Undergraduate Studies or Undergraduate Advising Coordinator of the home department of the second major. A faculty advisor in the second major should be arranged.

Transferring credits to the major

It is important to distinguish between transfer credits toward graduation, which are evaluated by the CALS Registrar's Office, and transfer credits toward the Biometry and Statistics major, which are evaluated by the BSCB faculty. It is the individual student's responsibility to provide sufficient information to the Registrar's Office and the BSCB faculty for evaluation of transfer credits, including Advanced Placement credits.

Requirements for the Biometry and Statistics Major for Students Entering the Major in Fall 2017 or Spring 2018

Required courses for all concentrations:

MATH 1110-1120/1220 or 1910Calculus 1 & 2
MATH 2210-2220 or 2230-2240 or 1920&2940 or 2130&2310Multivariate Calculus  & Linear Algebra
BTRY 3010 or 6010 or equivalent*Biological Statistics I or Statistical Methods I.  *including 4 or better in AP statistics
BTRY 3020 or 6020 or equivalentBiological Statistics II or Statistical Methods II
BTRY 3080/STSCI 3080 or ECON 3130 or ORIE 3500 or MATH 4710.  ECON 3110 is not considered a valid alternative.Probability Models and Inference
BTRY 4030/STSCI 4030Linear Models with Matrices
BTRY 4090/STSCI 4090 or MATH 4720Theory of Statistics
BTRY 4520/6520Statistical Computing

Typical Time Table:

 Fall SemesterCredit
Spring SemesterCredit
FreshmanBTRY 3010/60104BTRY 3020/60204
 Calculus 14Calculus 24
 Freshman Writing Seminar3Freshman Writing Seminar3
 CALS Physics/LifeSci3/4CALS Physics/LifeSci3/4
 Physical Education1  
SophomoreBTRY 30804BTRY 35204
 Calculus 34Linear Algebra4
 CALS SocSci/Humanities4Advanced Elective3/4
 Freshman Writing Seminar3CALS SocSci/Humanities3/4
JuniorBTRY 40303BTRY 40904
 Advanced Elective3/4Advanced Elective3/4
 CALS SocSci/Humanities3/4CALS SocSci/Humanities3/4
SeniorAdvanced Elective3/4   
 CALS SocSci/Humanities3/4  

Required courses for General Statistics concentration:

4 additional Advanced Courses from the list below, including at least 2 courses from the Statistics list

Required courses for the Statistical Genomics concentration:

  • BIOMG 2800 - Lectures in Genetics and Genomics

Two courses from

  • BTRY 4810 - Population Genetics
  • BTRY 4820 - Statistical Genomics: Coalescent Theory and Human Population Genomics
  • BTRY 4830 - Quantitative Genomics and Genetics
  • BTRY 4840 - Computational Genomics
  • BIOMG 4870 - Human Genomics

Plus one more advanced statistics elective.

Required courses for the Actuarial Studies concentration:

Three courses from:

  • BTRY 3090 - Theory of Interest
  • STSCI 4270 - Introduction to Survival Analysis
  • STSCI 4550 - Applied Time Series Analysis
  • AEM 2241 - Finance or ECON 4220 - Financial Economics
  • AEM 4210 - Derivatives and Risk Management or ECON 4240 - Financial Economics, Derivatives, and Risk Management

Plus one more advanced statistics elective from the list below
View further details about the Actuarial Studies concentration

Required courses for the Mathematical Statistics concentration:

  • MATH 3110 - Introduction to Analysis or MATH 4130 - Honors Introduction to Analysis I
  • CS 1110 - Introduction to Computing Using Python/CS 1112 - Introduction to Computing Using MATLAB.

At least one of:

  • MATH 4740 - Stochastic Processes
  • CS 2110 - Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures.

One additional advanced statistics elective.


BTRY 3090Theory of Interest
BTRY 3100 / ILRST 3100 / STSCI 3100Statistical Sampling
BTRY 4100 / ILRST 4100 / STSCI 4100Multivariate Analysis
BTRY 4110 / ILRST 4110 / STSCI 4110Categorical Data
BTRY 4140 / ILRST 4140 / STSCI 4140Applied Design
BTRY 4270 / STSCI 4270Survival Analysis
BTRY 4820Statistical Genomics
BTRY 4830Quantitative Genomics and Genetics
BTRY 4840Computational Genomics
BTRY 4940Special Topics (as appropriate)
BTRY 6790 / CS 6782Probabilistic Graphical Models
ILRST 6140Structural Equations w/ Latent Variables
ILRST 6190Special Topics in Social Statistics
NTRES 6700Spatial Statistics
STSCI 4550 / ILRST 4550 / ORIE 5550Applied Time Series Analysis
STSCI 4740 / ORIE 4740Data Mining and Machine Learning

Other Advanced Electives:

AEM 4210Futures, Options and Financial Derivatives
BTRY 4810 / BIOMG 4810Population Genetics
BIOMG 4870Human Genomics
BIONB 3300Computational Neuroscience
BIONB 4220Behavioral Evolution
BTRY 4381Bioinformatics Programming
CEE 5970Risk Analysis and Management
COMM 4860Risk Communication
CS 1110 or CS 1112Introduction to Computing Using Python/Matlab
CS 2110Object-Oriented Programming
CS 3220Scientific Computation
CS 4210Numerical Analysis
CS 4520Bioinformatics
CS 4780Machine Learning
ECON 4020Game Theory
ENTOM 4610Model-Based Phylogenetics and Hypothesis Testing
HADM 2250Finance
INFO 2950Mathematical Methods for Information Science
INFO 3300Data-driven Web Applications
MATH 3110Introduction to Analysis
MATH 4130Honors Introduction to Analysis I
MATH 4240Wavelets and Fourier Series
MATH 4250 / CS 4210Numerical Analysis
MATH 4260 / CS 4220Numerical Analysis
MATH 4410Combinatorics
MATH 4740Stochastic Processes
NTRES 4110Quantitative Ecology & Management of Fisheries Resources
NTRES 4120Wildlife Population Analysis
ORIE 3510Stochastic Processes
ORIE 4630Empirical Finance
ORIE 4742Information Theory, Probabilistic Modeling, and Deep Learning with Scientific and Financial Applications
VTPMD 6660Advanced Methods in Epidemiology


  • The faculty advisor has final authority about what is required in each individual situation, and should be consulted if any questions arise.
  • Concentration in Mathematical Statistics is highly recommended as preparation for graduate studies in Biostatistics or Statistics.
  • BTRY 4980 and 4990 are recommended but cannot be used as required courses for the major.