Act for Change Anti-Racism Program
- Date: May - August 2021
- Location: CCE Orange and CCE Ulster Counties
- Interns: Stephanie Jovel (Stephanie's blog) and Katherine Urena (Katherine's blog)
- Mentor/supervisors: Malinda Ware and Melanie Forstrom
- Stipend: $5,000

Our 4-H program believes that youth of all races need to engage in honest and meaningful conversations about racial disparities in order to dismantle the structures of racism. During the pandemic youth have reported not having sufficient ability to connect and engage in the national reckoning and conversations following George Floyd’s murder. The Act for Change Internship positions with CCE Ulster and Orange County’s 4-H programs are an opportunity to participate in this initiative to deliver, test, and formalize a youth-friendly, dialogue-based curriculum around racial injustice and inequities, as well as racial healing.
Roles and responsibilities
Main responsibilities will take place between May-August. Interns will facilitate a teen anti-racism group and assist in further developing and formalizing the curriculum. In the fall, interns will help extend learning to a community-engaged course and may have opportunities to present their work.
Qualifications and previous coursework
SHUM 2770 course Fall 2020
Learning outcomes
- Develop facilitation skills
- Connect to Cornell Cooperative Extension’s network of practitioners
- Deepen your understanding of anti-racism programming
- Work to dismantle racist ideas at an interpersonal level
- Work on a high-profile project with opportunities to present at statewide and national conferences
- Learn more about and participate in curriculum creation
- Present at state and national conferences