Cornell Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and The College of Human Ecology.
4-H Viticulture Program Development
- Date: June - August 2022
- Location: Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research (BCTR) or NYS 4-H Office (Ithaca, NY)
- Intern: Sadie Kantorczyk (Sadie's blog)
- Faculty sponsor: Andy Turner, BCTR
- Campus mentor/supervisor: Mingla Charoenmuang, BCTR
- Stipend: $5,000
4-H Youth Development is the youth outreach program of Cornell Cooperative Extension to provide experiences where young people learn by doing. This project focuses on developing a 4-H viticulture program at the state level to support workforce development among youth. The New York Wine & Grape Foundation’s study in 2019 found that the viticulture industry in New York directly creates 71,950 jobs, generating $2.79 billion in wages and $6.65 billion in direct economic impact. The purpose of the internship is to utilize a newly developed 4-H Viticulture curriculum in the 4-H program in NYS, directly connect 4-H to CCE regional viticulture, generate a database of viticulture network and educational resources specifically for youth, and build a model for 4-H programming. The student will work closely with the NYS 4-H Ag and Food Systems Specialist to learn about the nature of the 4-H programs. The student will also work collaboratively with several CCE regional viticulture specialists and business owners to build a network of expertise within the Cornell Cooperative Extension and organizations across the state. The intended outcome is a model and guideline to launch 4-H Viticulture clubs.
Roles and responsibilities
In terms of curriculum, the student will review the newly developed 4-H Viticulture curriculum from another LGU. The student will work with viticulture specialists in CCE to edit the materials making it suitable for New York and applicable for the experiential leaning activities in the local context. The student will also ensure that the positive youth development framework is utilized in the curriculum. For program development, the student will gather information about supplies, locations, potential collaborators, and funding sources, and work with a group of 4-H Educators to create a model and guideline for establishing 4-H Viticulture clubs. The student will identify resources in the CCE system and other organizations and build a relationship with the viticulture specialists and business owners for a collaboration opportunity. The student will meet with the supervisor weekly to discuss 4-H programs and the positive youth development framework in New York State, share additional resources, and provide updates.
Qualifications and previous coursework
This opportunity is available to non-graduating students in Cornell University's College of Human Ecology.
- The student should be interested in program development for youth and have the creativity to enhance the program.
- The student should be comfortable communicating with stakeholders to collect the data and build a collaboration.
- The student should be willing to learn about the viticulture resources in NY extensively.
Learning outcomes
The student will learn about viticulture, youth programs, and the positive youth development framework. The student will gain the skills of program development within the Cornell Cooperative Extension 4-H Youth Development at the state level. The student could apply skills to create educational resources in the future. The student will get to network with Educators and stakeholders in the industry focusing on viticulture. The student will get to improve effective communication and leadership skills through the main tasks.