William Fox '26
Will is joining us this year for his first year as a student advisor. He is concentrating in General Biology plans to attend medical school after taking a gap year following graduation. In the past summers, Will has volunteered and worked in Westchester Medical Center as a Clinical Assistant and Patient Liaison in the Emergency Department. This summer, he plans on working as a research assistant and volunteer at the Tisch Center for Multiple Sclerosis in New York City. On campus, Will is involved in KDSAP (Kidney Disease Screening Awareness Program), which provides free kidney disease clinics and screenings to underserved citizens in the Ithaca area, as well as HEART, in which he presents health education topics to children across the tri-state area. Will is also a part of Phi Delta Epsilon, the medical fraternity on campus, as recruitment chair. In his free time, Will likes to thrift, take drives, and work out.
His advice for incoming students:
“Seize every opportunity. Going to random events and meeting people on my floor is how I've found some of my closest friends, and I don't regret a minute of it!”
College: CALS
Tutoring: BIOG 1440, BIOAP 4130, BIOMG 3320, BIOEE 1780, CHEM 3570, CHEM 3580, BIOMI 2900, CHEM 2070. Tutoring: CHEM 2070, BIOAP 4130, CHEM 3570
Email: wlf33 [at] cornell.edu