Soodong Kim '25

Soodong is a returning senior student advisor with a concentration in genetics, genomics, and development. He plans to take one gap year before attending medical school. During the summer he shadows a cardiologist and pediatric dermatologist while doing research in a cardio lab at OSU. On campus he does research in the Kwak Lab working on 3D cell culturing and RNA sequencing. He is also involved in the Cornell Men's Swim and Dive Team and the Red Key Society. He enjoys sleeping, baking, playing sports, and cleaning. 

His words of advice for new students

“Imposter syndrome is real and affects everyone (no matter how well they hide it or deny it) - if you got in, you deserve to be here, and we are lucky to have you!”

College: CALS

Tutoring: CHEM 2070, CHEM 2080, BIOG 1445, BIOMG 2800

Email: sk2455vja29 [at] (