Sasha Smalls ‘25
Sasha is a senior concentrating in neurobiology and behavior, returning as a student advisor. She studied abroad in Madrid last summer, where she took a course studying and performing Spanish monologues. This summer, she is in Ithaca researching, attending conferences, and working on her senior thesis with the SoSen Neurogenomic Research Team. Her interests include how sensory modalities impact social behaviors and learning. Sasha plans to take a gap year before attending graduate or medical school. On campus, she is President of the Biology Scholars Program, plays intramural and club volleyball, and is involved in various podcasting groups. For fun, Sasha likes to watch movies and television, read, and binge YouTube. She mainly enjoys action, war, zombie, superhero, and thriller movies and is an avid fan of Marvel, Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon, and The Last of Us.
Sasha’s words of advice to incoming students:
“One useful piece of advice that I am STILL working on incorporating into my daily mantra is "Don't compare yourself to others." Our personal achievements are immeasurable, and we fail to give ourselves credit when we compare ourselves to others.”
College: CALS
Tutoring: BIOG 1440, BIOMG 1350, CHEM 2070, CHEM 2080, BIOEE 1781, BIONB 2210, BIONB 2220
Email: ss2855 [at]