Sabrina Chen '26
Sabrina is concentrating in Neurobiology and Behavior and plans to pursue a career in healthcare post-graduation! She currently conducts research on campus in the Shaw Lab on crickets and broadly their evolution and speciation. On campus, Sabrina is a part of CALS Ambassadors, on the E-Board for Big Red Vision (optometry club), a P3 member, and draws for Guac Magazine. Her favorite course at Cornell has been BIONB 2210: Introduction to Behavior, and she likes to draw and make small clay keychains in her free time! In past summers, she interned at SUNY Optometry and this last summer, Sabrina conducted research at Weill Cornell.
Her words of advice for new students
“Take the time to discover what YOU like and what YOU want to do. There are so many opportunities here to try things, take advantage of that.”
College: CALS
Tutoring: BIOMG 1350, BIOG 1440, BIOG 1500, BIOEE 1780, BIONB 2210, PSYCH 2500
Email: sc2736 [at]