Cell Biology

Department: Molecular Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine
Office: C3-167 VMC
Phone: 607-253-3608
Email: cea88@cornell.edu

Department: Molecular Biology and Genetics
Office: 235 Biotechnology Building
Phone: 607-254-4838
Email: cfa1@cornell.edu

Department: Baker Institute Animal Health
Office: 212 Baker Institute Animal Health
Phone: (607) 253-3391
Email: jdb11@cornell.edu

Department: Clinical Pathology
Office: S1-062 Shurman Hall
Phone: 253-3018
Email: eb58@cornell.edu

Department: Entomology
Office: 5124 Comstock Hall
Email: nicolas.buchon@cornell.edu

Department: Vet Microbiology and Immunology
Office: C5 155 Veterinary Medical
Phone: 253-3407, 253-4043
Email: dmc4@cornell.edu

Department: Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology
Office: 309 Plant Science
Phone: 607-255-8794
Email: ccasteel@cornell.edu

Department: School of Integrative Plant Science, Section of Plant Biology
Office: 315 Boyce Thompson Institute
Phone: (607) 254-8694
Email: cc283@cornell.edu

Department: Molecular Medicine
Phone: (607) 253-3654
Email: chappie@cornell.edu

Department: Biomedical Engineering
Office: 159 Weill Hall
Phone: 607-255-7271
Email: bdc68@cornell.edu

Department: Food Science
Office: Stocking 310
Phone: (607) 254-3319
Email: robin.dando@cornell.edu

Department: Neurobiology and Behavior
Office: W125 Mudd Hall
Phone: (607) 254-4315
Email: dld14@cornell.edu

Department: Molecular Biology and Genetics
Office: 360 Biotech Bldg
Email: rad82@cornell.edu

Department: Molecular Biology and Genetics
Office: 441 Weill Hall
Phone: 607-255-0816
Email: sde26@cornell.edu

Department: Molecular Biology and Genetics
Office: 457 Weill Hall
Phone: (607) 255-1016
Email: jcf14@cornell.edu

Department: Food Science
Office: 347 Stocking Hall
Phone: 607-255-3471
Email: pag235@cornell.edu

Department: Molecular Biology and Genetics
Office: 435 Weill Hall
Phone: 607.255.7855
Email: chun.han@cornell.edu

Department: Molecular Biology and Genetics
Office: Biotech Bldg 323
Phone: 607-254-4833
Email: mrh5@cornell.edu

Department: Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research
Office: 405 Boyce Thompson Institute
Phone: 607 254 6472
Email: mjh78@cornell.edu

Department: Molecular Biology and Genetics / Weill Institute for Cell and Molecular Biology
Office: 345 Weill Hall
Phone: 6072550667
Email: fh87@cornell.edu

Department: Clinical Sciences
Office: C3 501C Vet Med Center
Phone: (607) 253-3516
Email: krh73@cornell.edu

Department: Molecular Biology and Genetics
Office: 251 Biotechnology Bldg.
Phone: 607-255-3945
Email: ak425@cornell.edu

Department: Molecular Medicine
Office: C4-161 Vet Med Center
Phone: (607) 253-4452
Email: nk378@cornell.edu

Department: Biomedical Engineering
Office: 235 Weill Hall
Email: jl2792@cornell.edu

Department: Molecular Medicine
Office: C3-145 Vet Med
Phone: 607-253-3893
Email: mel237@cornell.edu

Department: Food Science
Office: 245 Stocking Hall
Phone: 607-255-6235
Email: rl23@cornell.edu

Department: Molecular Biology and Genetics
Office: 439 Biotechnology Building
Phone: 607-254-8942
Email: jl53@cornell.edu
Website: http://mbg.cornell.edu/people/jun-liu

Department: Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences
Office: C2-564, College of Veterinary Medicine
Email: sm682@cornell.edu

Department: Weill Institute for Cell and Molecular Biology / Molecular Biology and Genetics
Office: 357 Weill Hall
Phone: (607) 255-0783
Email: ym253@cornell.edu

Department: Biological and Environmental Engineering
Office: 202 Riley-Robb Hall
Phone: (607) 254-5471
Email: jcm224@cornell.edu

Department: Molecular Biology and Genetics
Office: Biotechnology 249
Email: ecm253@cornell.edu

June Nasrallah
Department: Plant Biology
Office: 260 Emerson Hall
Phone: (607) 255-8189
Email: jbn2@cornell.edu

Department: Biomedical Engineering
Office: B57 Weill Hall
Phone: 607 342-7738
Email: nn62@cornell.edu

Department: Molecular Medicine / Neuropharmacology
Office: C3-117 Veterinary Medical
Phone: 607-253-3655
Email: lmn1@cornell.edu

Department: Baker Institute for Animal Health
Office: Rm 235, West Wing, Baker Institute for Animal Health
Phone: (607) 256-5626
Email: jsp7@cornell.edu

Department: Plant Breeding and Genetics
Office: 403 Bradfield Hall
Phone: 607-254-8745
Email: wp45@cornell.edu

Department: Nutritional Sciences
Office: 301 Biotech
Phone: 6072543397
Email: sq38@cornell.edu

Department: Clinical Science
Office: Vet Med Center C3-101
Phone: 607-253-3066
Email: hlr42@cornell.edu

Department: Molecular Biology and Genetics
Office: 125 BTI
Phone: 607-254-4676
Email: ejr77@cornell.edu

Department: Weill Institute for Cell and Molecular Biology / Plant Biology
Office: 239 Weill Hall
Phone: 607-255-4467
Email: ahr75@cornell.edu

Department: Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science
Office: 331 Emerson Hall
Phone: (607) 255-4781
Email: jr286@cornell.edu

Department: Microbiology and Immunology
Office: C5 147 VMC
Phone: 607-253-4418
Email: bdr54@cornell.edu

Department: Molecular Medicine
Office: C4-175 VMC
Phone: 607-253-3318
Email: sardana@cornell.edu

Department: Baker Institute/College of Veterinary Medicine
Office: 104 Baker Institute/235 Hungerford Hill Road
Phone: 607-256-5666
Email: lms428@cornell.edu

Department: Animal Science
Office: 204 Morrison Hall
Phone: 607-255-6138
Email: vs88@cornell.edu

Department: Molecular Biology and Genetics
Office: 339 Weill Hall
Phone: 607-255-0274
Email: mbs266@cornell.edu

Department: Molecular Medicine
Office: College of Veterinary Medicine; VMC C4-175
Phone: 607-253-3318
Email: hs293@cornell.edu

Department: Food Science - USDA
Office: Room 227 (538 Tower Rd)
Phone: (607)-255-5434
Email: et79@cornell.edu

Department: Vet Biomedical Sciences
Office: Baker Institute
Phone: (607) 256-5613
Email: ajt32@cornell.edu

Department: Molecular Biology and Genetics
Office: 258 Biotech Bldg.
Phone: (607) 255-6542
Email: tt252@cornell.edu

Department: Plant Biology
Office: 256 Plant Science Buildin
Phone: 607-255-8395
Email: ert2@cornell.edu

Department: Baker Institute for Animal Health
Office: 235 Hugerford Hill Road
Phone: 607-256-5624
Email: grv23@cornell.edu

Department: Clinical Sciences
Office: 1-120 Vet Med Center
Phone: (607) 253-4389
Email: jw37@cornell.edu

Department: Plant Biology
Office: 203 Plant Science
Phone: (607) 255-8904
Email: row1@cornell.edu

Department: Materials Sciences and Engineering
Office: 330 Bard Hall
Phone: (607) 255-3487
Email: ubw1@cornell.edu

Department: Vet Biomedical Sciences
Office: T2006C Vet Research Tower
Phone: (607) 253-4443
Email: rsw26@cornell.edu

Department: Vet Microbiology and Immunology
Office: C4-118 Vet Med Center
Phone: (607) 253-4019
Email: grw7@cornell.edu

Department: Vet Biomedical Sciences
Office: T4-008 Vet Research Tower
Phone: 253-3354
Email: ay13@cornell.edu

Department: Biological Statistics and Computational Biology
Office: 335 Weill Hall
Phone: 607-255-0259
Email: hy299@cornell.edu