American Indian & Indigenous Studies Future Cornell Graduate Student Interest Survey Let us know if you are considering to apply to Cornell. Full name Email What region, state or country are you from? Affiliation with Indigenous Communities, if relevant: Undergraduate School Information College/University Name Major Graduation Date Do you have research experience? Yes No Other… Enter other… If yes, please summarize your research background: Graduate degrees already earned, if applicable: (If applicable, list school, degree, major/field, graduation date, and project title.) Prospective Cornell Graduate School Information: Which graduate degree you are seeking to pursue? Masters (MA/MS/MFA) PhD Professional Which graduate field are you interested in applying? (See the Graduate Fields of Study) Which faculty member(s) you are interested in working with? Optional: Briefly describe the project you would like to pursue as part of your graduate degree. List other schools where you are applying: How did you hear about AIISP/Cornell? Would you like to be added to the AIISP Listserv? Yes No Questions for AIISP: