Aman Banerji
Ph.D. Candidate, Development Sociology, Department of Global Development

Originally from New Delhi, Aman Banerji earned his B.A. with a concentration in economics and geography from Sarah Lawrence College (2014). From 2014-18, he worked at the Roosevelt Institute, an economic policy think tank based out of NYC. At Roosevelt, he managed research and advocacy programs on the financialization of higher education and the privatization of public goods.
In his research, Aman examines the financial logics, imaginaries, and political contestations remaking the urban peripheries of 'global' cities today. He investigates how state agents and elites manage and contest the competing pressures of producing an exploding land market for global financial and real estate capital while enacting an industrial policy of making things. His advisors are Fouad Makki (chair), Lori Leonard, Neema Kudva, and Michael Goldman. His field research has been supported by the Einaudi Dissertation Proposal Development Program (DPDP), the Andrew Mellon Foundation, and the Social Science Research Council's (SSRC) International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF) grant.
'Global' cities & land markets
Aman in the news

- Department of Global Development
- Global Development